
Monday, March 9, 2009

Celest in Jeans


Having High Fever Again

Mummy and Daddy had a hard time taking care of Princess Celest 2 weeks ago. Princess Celest had a high fever at 40'c, her whole body was so hot and she didn't even had the strength to eat and play. We rushed her to KK Women and Children's A&E at midnight. The doctor informed us the it usually took 5 days for toddlers to recover from fever. If the fever did not reduce by the 5th day, we had to bring her back for observation. Upon hearing it, we were so worried. Fortunately, Princess Celest showed signs of recovery the next morning.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Scolding Daddy

See how she disapprove her daddy sleeping while having meal with her...

Celebrating 姨姨 Birthday

This is the 1st time Celest celebrated 姨姨 birthday. She enjoyed singing Happy Birthday song to 姨姨 . But the most enjoyable moment is none other than having a big piece of the strawberry ice cream cake from Hagen daz.