
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Little Celest, the New Bus Driver?

Watch out for this young driver...

Little Celest with her gifts

姨姨 bought a mini cooking stove for Little Celest as her Christmas present. It costs a bomb, costing $100 plus for such a small toy. Little Celest can't wait to try it out once she reached home. She loves her new toy so much that she would play with them every morning. She would make hot dogs and forced us to have them for breakfast.

Devil Celebrating Christmas

Although we did not have the company of little angels during this year Christmas celebration, we still enjoyed ourselves. Because, a devil with a mischief joined us for a mini celebration at Grandma's place and entertain us with all her tricks. She sang and danced and shared the chocolates with the guests.
Little Celest loves her boots very much which 姨姨 bought them from Taiwan.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Spirit

This would be the 2nd time Princess Celest is celebrating Christmas. However, it is a different experience for her this time. She was asked to assist in putting up the Christmas Tree. See how anxious she was ... putting the beanies toys on the tree. We had decided to forgo the tradition ornaments, instead we replaced them with beanies toys. Princess Celest enjoys watching the tree being light up at night.

Ice Cream..Ice Cream

Princess Celest loves having ice-cream...or should i say, she simply loves making a mess out of it. Mummy and Daddy had a hard time clearing the messy task.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Celest's Vaccination Jab

12 Nov 08, Celest went for her final jab. She was like entering an election campaign, waving to everyone in the clinic - nurses and patients alike. I wondered if she was practicing what she saw on the US president campaign?

During her medical assessment, we voiced our concern that she still could not call Daddy. Doctor reassured us that since she could say other phrases like Dog, bye, hi and Mummy, it should not be a major problem. However, she would still need to come back for reassessment in 4 mths time. I think Daddy punished her too harshly and frequently. Now she refused to use the word 'Daddy'.

Weight: 10.8kg
Height: 79cm
Overall: 75% percentile.

Daddy's opinion: Height is a little below expectation, I was hoping for something much better, like Lin Zhiling.

A trip to KL

Last 2 week, we had a short trip to KL. This was the 1st time we brought Princess Celest along. We caught the coach early in the morning 7.30am when the Princess was still fast asleep. The whole journey to KL took about 7hrs (cos it was weekend, there was traffic jam). Due to the long journey, Princess Celest could not sit still and wanted to run about in the coach...She screamed and created a scene when we restricted her movement...It was simply embarrassing.

Things turn out well once we reached our destination - TimesSquare, she was extremely excited when we entered the hotel suite. She ran around the room, picked up the telephone and started saying '喂' many times. We had to disconnect the line just in case she call up the operator. She also enjoyed herself in the bathtub...playing with bubbles and splashing water on my face.

We spent the whole 2 days in Berjaya Times Square, shopping and eating. 可惜 没有战利品, except a small barney bloster and a noisy Winnie Pooh Bear toy for Princess. Think she enjoyed the trip.. but tiring for us.

Celest ..the new Dim Sum Girl

Very Sexy right?

Other side of Celest

Monday, October 27, 2008

Artist At Work

Princess Celest recently loves to scrabble on paper.. walls.. tables.. almost everywhere. So Mummy bought something for her to draw's reusable

Why Mummy like Heroic Rendezvous?

Why does Mummy love this Brand so much? Ans is quite Simple... Cos she looks just like Celest..With the same kind of hairstyle.. same kind of expression..Don't you think so?

Sexy Celest

姨姨 brought Little Celest a Hello Kitty swimwear some months ago.. but she hardly has time to try it on .. Probably this weekend, we would bring her out for a swim at our nearby swimming pool.

Mummy Birthday

25 Oct 08...Mummy's birthday. We had a mini celebration, having dinner buffet (Feast @ East). What a disappointment... the variety wasn't that many and the dishes were not nicely cooked. And it cost us $47 per pax..!! Later on we had a cake cutting session at home.. cos mei mei bought a small cheesecake from Swiss bakery.
Mummy is also very happy.. cos recieve lots of presents from my hubby, family and friends. (See photo attached) Not all the gifts were taken..

Lollipop Day

Lollipop .. Lollipop... I love it

Princess Celest's New hairstyle

Having a Splashful Day

Another hangout besides the usual Suntec City to add on to Celest's fav places listing. Our beloved Princess Celest had gone to Vivocity twice on last 2 Saturdays, 9th and 14th. She loves the shopping mall so much especially the top floor mini pool area. She enjoyed splashing water at Mummy and Daddy. Aiyo.. What a naughty girl.. We really had a difficult time pulling her out from the pool.. screaming..legs kicking in the air...hands waving... head shaking...

Children's Day

Sorry took a while to update Princess Celest's blog....This October, we had a lot of fun...correction.. Princess Celest had indeed alot of fun.... hehehehe
First, we brought her to Suntec City, Build A Bear workshop.... She gave life to Hello Kitty, namely Kitty. It was a huge kitty... as tall as Princess Celest.. but huggable.

Our next stop... to Toy'R'Us... whereby we bought another gift for our beloved Princess... A Pretend Post Office...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Little Celest's Words

"Hi", "Bye", "Woo", "Ya", "Dog", "Mama", "Throw', "Jump"... These are the few one-syllabus words that Little Celest has been saying. Whenever, she sees an Uncle or Auntie walking past, she will definetly waves her small hand at them and greets them with a 'Hi' and 'Bye'. At times, we can't really differiate between her 'Hi' and 'Bye' cos' both sound similar. And whenever, I buy anything home, she will snatch them from me and be surpised with a 'Wow', followed with a excited expression. Hahaha...really make me laugh all day long.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

@ Chinese Garden (Night)

@ Chinese Garden (Day)

A trip to Chinese Garden

Princess Celest had her 1st trip to Chinese Garden yesterday.
Celest's Grandma, 姨姨 and 舅舅 specially spend the whole
afternoon and evening with her...It had been a tiring day for the whole gang of us... serving our Princess.. carrying her.. fanning her cos she's hot...feeding her with snacks... changing her outfit